This module contains some utility functions for the matcher.
import logging
import math
import time
from collections import OrderedDict
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import sklearn.model_selection as ms
from sklearn.preprocessing import Imputer
import py_entitymatching.catalog.catalog_manager as cm
import py_entitymatching.utils.catalog_helper as ch
import py_entitymatching.utils.generic_helper as gh
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
[docs]def split_train_test(labeled_data, train_proportion=0.5,
random_state=None, verbose=True):
This function splits the input data into train and test.
Specifically, this function is just a wrapper of scikit-learn's
train_test_split function.
This function also takes care of copying the metadata from the input
table to train and test splits.
labeled_data (DataFrame): The input pandas DataFrame that needs to be
split into train and test.
train_proportion (float): A number between 0 and 1, indicating the
proportion of tuples that should be included in the train split (
defaults to 0.5).
random_state (object): A number of random number object (as in
verbose (boolean): A flag to indicate whether the debug information
should be displayed.
A Python dictionary containing two keys - train and test.
The value for the key 'train' is a pandas DataFrame containing tuples
allocated from the input table based on train_proportion.
Similarly, the value for the key 'test' is a pandas DataFrame containing
tuples for evaluation.
This function sets the output DataFrames (train, test) properties
same as the input DataFrame.
>>> import py_entitymatching as em
>>> # G is the labeled data or the feature vectors that should be split
>>> train_test = em.split_train_test(G, train_proportion=0.5)
>>> train, test = train_test['train'], train_test['test']
# Validate input parameters
# # We expected labeled data to be of type pandas DataFrame
if not isinstance(labeled_data, pd.DataFrame):
logger.error('Input table is not of type DataFrame')
raise AssertionError('Input table is not of type DataFrame')
ch.log_info(logger, 'Required metadata: cand.set key, fk ltable, '
'fk rtable, '
'ltable, rtable, ltable key, rtable key', verbose)
# # Get metadata
key, fk_ltable, fk_rtable, ltable, rtable, l_key, r_key = \
logger, verbose)
# # Validate metadata
cm._validate_metadata_for_candset(labeled_data, key, fk_ltable, fk_rtable,
ltable, rtable, l_key, r_key,
logger, verbose)
num_rows = len(labeled_data)
# We expect the train proportion to be between 0 and 1.
assert train_proportion >= 0 and train_proportion <= 1, \
" Train proportion is expected to be between 0 and 1"
# We expect the number of rows in the table to be non-empty
assert num_rows > 0, 'The input table is empty'
# Explicitly get the train and test size in terms of tuples (based on the
# given proportion)
train_size = int(math.floor(num_rows * train_proportion))
test_size = int(num_rows - train_size)
# Use sk-learn to split the data
idx_values = np.array(labeled_data.index.values)
idx_train, idx_test = ms.train_test_split(idx_values, test_size=test_size,
# Construct output tables.
label_train = labeled_data.loc[idx_train]
label_test = labeled_data.loc[idx_test]
# Update catalog
cm.copy_properties(labeled_data, label_train)
cm.copy_properties(labeled_data, label_test)
# Return output tables
result = OrderedDict()
result['train'] = label_train
result['test'] = label_test
# Finally, return the dictionary.
return result
def get_ts():
This is a helper function, to generate a random string based on current
t = int(round(time.time() * 1e10))
# Return the random string.
return str(t)[::-1]
[docs]def impute_table(table, exclude_attrs=None, missing_val='NaN',
strategy='mean', axis=0, val_all_nans=0, verbose=True):
Impute table containing missing values.
table (DataFrame): DataFrame which values should be imputed.
exclude_attrs (List) : list of attribute names to be excluded from
imputing (defaults to None).
missing_val (string or int): The placeholder for the missing values.
All occurrences of `missing_values` will be imputed.
For missing values encoded as np.nan, use the string value 'NaN'
(defaults to 'NaN').
strategy (string): String that specifies on how to impute values. Valid
strings: 'mean', 'median', 'most_frequent' (defaults to 'mean').
axis (int): axis=1 along rows, and axis=0 along columns (defaults
to 0).
val_all_nans (float): Value to fill in if all the values in the column
are NaN.
Imputed DataFrame.
AssertionError: If `table` is not of type pandas DataFrame.
>>> import py_entitymatching as em
>>> # H is the feature vector which should be imputed. Specifically, impute the missing values
>>> # in each column, with the mean of that column
>>> H = em.impute_table(H, exclude_attrs=['_id', 'ltable_id', 'rtable_id'], strategy='mean')
# Validate input paramaters
# # We expect the input table to be of type pandas DataFrame
if not isinstance(table, pd.DataFrame):
logger.error('Input table is not of type DataFrame')
raise AssertionError('Input table is not of type DataFrame')
ch.log_info(logger, 'Required metadata: cand.set key, fk ltable, '
'fk rtable, '
'ltable, rtable, ltable key, rtable key', verbose)
# # Get metadata
key, fk_ltable, fk_rtable, ltable, rtable, l_key, r_key = \
logger, verbose)
# # Validate metadata
cm._validate_metadata_for_candset(table, key, fk_ltable, fk_rtable,
ltable, rtable, l_key, r_key,
logger, verbose)
fv_columns = table.columns
if exclude_attrs == None:
feature_names = fv_columns
# Check if the exclude attributes are present in the input table
if not ch.check_attrs_present(table, exclude_attrs):
logger.error('The attributes mentioned in exclude_attrs '
'is not present '
'in the input table')
raise AssertionError(
'The attributes mentioned in exclude_attrs '
'is not present '
'in the input table')
# We expect exclude attributes to be of type list. If not convert it into
# a list.
if not isinstance(exclude_attrs, list):
exclude_attrs = [exclude_attrs]
# Drop the duplicates from the exclude attributes
exclude_attrs = gh.list_drop_duplicates(exclude_attrs)
cols = [c not in exclude_attrs for c in fv_columns]
feature_names = fv_columns[cols]
# print feature_names
table_copy = table.copy()
projected_table = table_copy[feature_names]
projected_table_values = projected_table.values
imp = Imputer(missing_values=missing_val, strategy=strategy, axis=axis)
imp.statistics_[np.isnan(imp.statistics_)] = val_all_nans
projected_table_values = imp.transform(projected_table_values)
table_copy[feature_names] = projected_table_values
# Update catalog
cm.copy_properties(table, table_copy)
return table_copy
def get_true_lbl_index(estimator, true_label=1):
classes = list(estimator.classes_)
if true_label not in classes:
raise AssertionError(
'True label ({0}) not in estimator classes.'.format(true_label))
return classes.index(true_label)
def get_false_lbl_index(estimator, false_label=0):
classes = list(estimator.classes_)
if false_label not in classes:
raise AssertionError(
'False label ({0}) not in estimator classes.'.format(false_label))
return classes.index(false_label)
def get_preds_probs(row, false_label=0):
if row['predictions'] == false_label:
return (row['predictions'], row['prob_false'])
return (row['predictions'], row['prob_true'])
def unpack_preds(s):
return s[0]
def unpack_probs(s):
return s[1]
def process_preds_probs(predictions, probs, estimator):
df = pd.DataFrame()
df['predictions'] = predictions
false_index = get_false_lbl_index(estimator)
true_index = get_true_lbl_index(estimator)
df['prob_true'] = probs[:, true_index]
df['prob_false'] = probs[:, false_index]
preds_probs = df.apply(get_preds_probs, axis=1)
preds = preds_probs.apply(unpack_preds)
probs = preds_probs.apply(unpack_probs)
return preds.values, probs.values