from collections import OrderedDict
import logging
import py_entitymatching.catalog.catalog_manager as cm
from py_entitymatching.utils.validation_helper import validate_object_type
from py_entitymatching.utils.generic_helper import parse_conjunct
import pandas as pd
import six
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
[docs]class MatchTrigger(object):
def __init__(self):
self.cond_status = False
self.rules = OrderedDict()
self.rule_source = OrderedDict()
self.rule_conjunct_list = OrderedDict()
self.rule_cnt = 0
self.value_to_set = 0
self.rule_ft = OrderedDict()
self.feature_table = None
[docs] def add_cond_rule(self, conjunct_list, feature_table, rule_name=None):
"""Adds a rule to the match trigger.
conjunct_list (list): A list of conjuncts specifying the rule.
feature_table (DataFrame): A DataFrame containing all the
features that are being referenced by
the rule (defaults to None). If the
feature_table is not supplied here,
then it must have been specified
during the creation of the rule-based
blocker or using set_feature_table
function. Otherwise an AssertionError
will be raised and the rule will not
be added to the rule-based blocker.
rule_name (string): A string specifying the name of the rule to
be added (defaults to None). If the
rule_name is not specified then a name will
be automatically chosen. If there is already
a rule with the specified rule_name, then
an AssertionError will be raised and the
rule will not be added to the rule-based
The name of the rule added (string).
AssertionError: If `rule_name` already exists.
AssertionError: If `feature_table` is not a valid value parameter.
>>> import py_entitymatching as em
>>> mt = em.MatchTrigger()
>>> A = em.read_csv_metadata('path_to_csv_dir/table_A.csv', key='id')
>>> B = em.read_csv_metadata('path_to_csv_dir/table_B.csv', key='id')
>>> match_f = em.get_features_for_matching(A, B)
>>> rule = ['title_title_lev_sim(ltuple, rtuple) > 0.7']
>>> mt.add_cond_rule(rule, match_f)
if not isinstance(conjunct_list, list):
conjunct_list = [conjunct_list]
if rule_name is not None and rule_name in self.rules.keys():
logger.error('A rule with the specified rule_name already exists.')
raise AssertionError('A rule with the specified rule_name already exists.')
if feature_table is None and self.feature_table is None:
logger.error('Either feature table should be given as parameter ' +
'or use set_feature_table to set the feature table.')
raise AssertionError('Either feature table should be given as ' +
'parameter or use set_feature_table to set ' +
'the feature table.')
if feature_table is None:
feature_table = self.feature_table
fn, name, fn_str = self._create_rule(conjunct_list, feature_table, rule_name)
self.rules[name] = fn
self.rule_source[name] = fn_str
self.rule_conjunct_list[name] = conjunct_list
if feature_table is not None:
self.rule_ft[name] = feature_table
self.rule_ft[name] = self.feature_table
return name
[docs] def add_cond_status(self, status):
"""Adds a condition status to the match trigger. If the result of a rule
is the same value as the condition status, then the action will be
carried out. The action can be added with the function add_action.
status (boolean): The condition status.
>>> import py_entitymatching as em
>>> mt = em.MatchTrigger()
>>> A = em.read_csv_metadata('path_to_csv_dir/table_A.csv', key='id')
>>> B = em.read_csv_metadata('path_to_csv_dir/table_B.csv', key='id')
>>> match_f = em.get_features_for_matching(A, B)
>>> rule = ['title_title_lev_sim(ltuple, rtuple) > 0.7']
>>> mt.add_cond_rule(rule, match_f)
>>> mt.add_cond_status(True)
>>> mt.add_action(1)
if not isinstance(status, bool):
raise AssertionError('status is expected to be a boolean i.e True/False')
self.cond_status = status
return True
[docs] def add_action(self, value):
"""Adds an action to the match trigger. If the result of a rule is the
same value as the condition status, then the action will be carried
out. The condition status can be added with the function add_cond_status.
value (integer): The action. Currently only the values 0 and 1 are supported.
>>> import py_entitymatching as em
>>> mt = em.MatchTrigger()
>>> A = em.read_csv_metadata('path_to_csv_dir/table_A.csv', key='id')
>>> B = em.read_csv_metadata('path_to_csv_dir/table_B.csv', key='id')
>>> match_f = em.get_features_for_matching(A, B)
>>> rule = ['title_title_lev_sim(ltuple, rtuple) > 0.7']
>>> mt.add_cond_rule(rule, match_f)
>>> mt.add_cond_status(True)
>>> mt.add_action(1)
if value != 0 and value != 1:
raise AssertionError('Currently py_entitymatching supports only values 0/1 as label value')
self.value_to_set = value
return True
[docs] def execute(self, input_table, label_column, inplace=True, verbose=False):
""" Executes the rules of the match trigger for a table of matcher
input_table (DataFrame): The input table of type pandas DataFrame
containing tuple pairs and labels from matching (defaults to None).
label_column (string): The attribute name where the predictions
are stored in the input table (defaults to None).
inplace (boolean): A flag to indicate whether the append needs to be
done inplace (defaults to True).
verbose (boolean): A flag to indicate whether the debug information
should be logged (defaults to False).
A DataFrame with predictions updated.
>>> import py_entitymatching as em
>>> mt = em.MatchTrigger()
>>> A = em.read_csv_metadata('path_to_csv_dir/table_A.csv', key='id')
>>> B = em.read_csv_metadata('path_to_csv_dir/table_B.csv', key='id')
>>> match_f = em.get_features_for_matching(A, B)
>>> rule = ['title_title_lev_sim(ltuple, rtuple) > 0.7']
>>> mt.add_cond_rule(rule, match_f)
>>> mt.add_cond_status(True)
>>> mt.add_action(1)
>>> # The table H is a table with prediction labels generated from matching
>>> mt.execute(input_table=H, label_column='predicted_labels', inplace=False)
# Validate input parameters
# # We expect the table to be of type pandas DataFrame
validate_object_type(input_table, pd.DataFrame, 'Input table')
# # We expect the target_attr to be of type string if not None
if label_column is not None and not isinstance(label_column, str):
logger.error('Input target_attr must be a string.')
raise AssertionError('Input target_attr must be a string.')
# # We expect the inplace to be of type boolean
validate_object_type(inplace, bool, 'Input inplace')
# # We expect the verbose to be of type boolean
validate_object_type(verbose, bool, 'Input append')
# Validate that there are some rules
assert len(self.rules.keys()) > 0, 'There are no rules to apply'
# # get metadata
key, fk_ltable, fk_rtable, ltable, rtable, l_key, r_key = cm.get_metadata_for_candset(input_table, logger,
# # validate metadata
cm._validate_metadata_for_candset(input_table, key, fk_ltable, fk_rtable, ltable, rtable, l_key, r_key,
logger, verbose)
assert ltable is not None, 'Left table is not set'
assert rtable is not None, 'Right table is not set'
assert label_column in input_table.columns, 'Label column not in the input table'
# Parse conjuncts to validate that the features are in the feature table
for rule in self.rule_conjunct_list:
for conjunct in self.rule_conjunct_list[rule]:
parse_conjunct(conjunct, self.rule_ft[rule])
if inplace == False:
table = input_table.copy()
table = input_table
# set the index and store it in l_tbl/r_tbl
l_tbl = ltable.set_index(l_key, drop=False)
r_tbl = rtable.set_index(r_key, drop=False)
# keep track of valid ids
y = []
column_names = list(input_table.columns)
lid_idx = column_names.index(fk_ltable)
rid_idx = column_names.index(fk_rtable)
label_idx = column_names.index(label_column)
idx = 0
for row in input_table.itertuples(index=False):
if row[label_idx] != self.value_to_set:
l_row = l_tbl.loc[row[lid_idx]]
r_row = r_tbl.loc[row[rid_idx]]
res = self.apply_rules(l_row, r_row)
if res == self.cond_status:
table.iat[idx, label_idx] = self.value_to_set
idx += 1
return table
def _create_rule(self, conjunct_list, feature_table, rule_name=None):
if feature_table is None:
logging.getLogger(__name__).error('Feature table is not given')
return False
# set the name
if rule_name is None:
name = '_rule_' + str(self.rule_cnt)
self.rule_cnt += 1
# use the rule name supplied by the user
name = rule_name
fn_str = self.get_function_str(name, conjunct_list)
if feature_table is not None:
feat_dict = dict(zip(feature_table['feature_name'], feature_table['function']))
feat_dict = dict(zip(self.feature_table['feature_name'], self.feature_table['function']))
# exec fn_str in feat_dict
six.exec_(fn_str, feat_dict)
return feat_dict[name], name, fn_str
[docs] def delete_rule(self, rule_name):
"""Deletes a rule from the match trigger.
rule_name (string): Name of the rule to be deleted.
>>> import py_entitymatching as em
>>> mt = em.MatchTrigger()
>>> A = em.read_csv_metadata('path_to_csv_dir/table_A.csv', key='id')
>>> B = em.read_csv_metadata('path_to_csv_dir/table_B.csv', key='id')
>>> match_f = em.get_features_for_matching(A, B)
>>> rule = ['title_title_lev_sim(ltuple, rtuple) > 0.7']
>>> mt.add_cond_rule(rule, match_f)
>>> mt.delete_rule('rule_1')
assert rule_name in self.rules.keys(), 'Rule name not in current set of rules'
del self.rules[rule_name]
del self.rule_source[rule_name]
del self.rule_conjunct_list[rule_name]
return True
[docs] def view_rule(self, rule_name):
"""Prints the source code of the function corresponding to a rule.
rule_name (string): Name of the rule to be viewed.
>>> import py_entitymatching as em
>>> mt = em.MatchTrigger()
>>> A = em.read_csv_metadata('path_to_csv_dir/table_A.csv', key='id')
>>> B = em.read_csv_metadata('path_to_csv_dir/table_B.csv', key='id')
>>> match_f = em.get_features_for_matching(A, B)
>>> rule = ['title_title_lev_sim(ltuple, rtuple) > 0.7']
>>> mt.add_cond_rule(rule, match_f)
>>> mt.view_rule('rule_1')
assert rule_name in self.rules.keys(), 'Rule name not in current set of rules'
[docs] def get_rule_names(self):
"""Returns the names of all the rules in the match trigger.
A list of names of all the rules in the match trigger (list).
>>> import py_entitymatching as em
>>> mt = em.MatchTrigger()
>>> A = em.read_csv_metadata('path_to_csv_dir/table_A.csv', key='id')
>>> B = em.read_csv_metadata('path_to_csv_dir/table_B.csv', key='id')
>>> match_f = em.get_features_for_matching(A, B)
>>> rule = ['title_title_lev_sim(ltuple, rtuple) > 0.7']
>>> mt.add_cond_rule(rule, match_f)
>>> mt.get_rule_names()
return self.rules.keys()
[docs] def get_rule(self, rule_name):
"""Returns the function corresponding to a rule.
rule_name (string): Name of the rule.
A function object corresponding to the specified rule.
>>> import py_entitymatching as em
>>> mt = em.MatchTrigger()
>>> A = em.read_csv_metadata('path_to_csv_dir/table_A.csv', key='id')
>>> B = em.read_csv_metadata('path_to_csv_dir/table_B.csv', key='id')
>>> match_f = em.get_features_for_matching(A, B)
>>> rule = ['title_title_lev_sim(ltuple, rtuple) > 0.7']
>>> mt.add_cond_rule(rule, match_f)
>>> mt.get_rule()
assert rule_name in self.rules.keys(), 'Rule name not in current set of rules'
return self.rules[rule_name]
def apply_rules(self, ltuple, rtuple):
for fn in self.rules.values():
res = fn(ltuple, rtuple)
if res == True:
return True
return False
def get_function_str(self, name, conjunct_list):
# create function str
fn_str = "def " + name + "(ltuple, rtuple):\n"
# add 4 tabs
fn_str += ' '
fn_str += 'return ' + ' and '.join(conjunct_list)
return fn_str
[docs] def set_feature_table(self, feature_table):
"""Sets feature table for the match trigger.
feature_table (DataFrame): A DataFrame containing features.
>>> import py_entitymatching as em
>>> mt = em.MatchTrigger()
>>> A = em.read_csv_metadata('path_to_csv_dir/table_A.csv', key='id')
>>> B = em.read_csv_metadata('path_to_csv_dir/table_B.csv', key='id')
>>> match_f = em.get_features_for_matching(A, B)
>>> mt.set_feature_table(match_f)
if self.feature_table is not None:
'Feature table is already set, changing it now will not recompile '
'existing rules')
self.feature_table = feature_table