Source code for py_stringmatching.tokenizer.qgram_tokenizer

from six import string_types
from six.moves import xrange

from py_stringmatching import utils
from py_stringmatching.tokenizer.definition_tokenizer import DefinitionTokenizer

[docs]class QgramTokenizer(DefinitionTokenizer): """Returns tokens that are sequences of q consecutive characters. A qgram of an input string s is a substring t (of s) which is a sequence of q consecutive characters. Qgrams are also known as ngrams or kgrams. Args: qval (int): A value for q, that is, the qgram's length (defaults to 2). return_set (boolean): A flag to indicate whether to return a set of tokens or a bag of tokens (defaults to False). padding (boolean): A flag to indicate whether a prefix and a suffix should be added to the input string (defaults to True). prefix_pad (str): A character (that is, a string of length 1 in Python) that should be replicated (qval-1) times and prepended to the input string, if padding was set to True (defaults to '#'). suffix_pad (str): A character (that is, a string of length 1 in Python) that should be replicated (qval-1) times and appended to the input string, if padding was set to True (defaults to '$'). Attributes: qval (int): An attribute to store the q value. return_set (boolean): An attribute to store the flag return_set. padding (boolean): An attribute to store the padding flag. prefix_pad (str): An attribute to store the prefix string that should be used for padding. suffix_pad (str): An attribute to store the suffix string that should be used for padding. """ def __init__(self, qval=2, padding=True, prefix_pad='#', suffix_pad='$', return_set=False): if qval < 1: raise AssertionError("qval cannot be less than 1") self.qval = qval if not type(padding) == type(True): raise AssertionError('padding is expected to be boolean type') self.padding = padding if not isinstance(prefix_pad, string_types): raise AssertionError('prefix_pad is expected to be of type string') if not isinstance(suffix_pad, string_types): raise AssertionError('suffix_pad is expected to be of type string') if not len(prefix_pad) == 1: raise AssertionError("prefix_pad should have length equal to 1") if not len(suffix_pad) == 1: raise AssertionError("suffix_pad should have length equal to 1") self.prefix_pad = prefix_pad self.suffix_pad = suffix_pad super(QgramTokenizer, self).__init__(return_set)
[docs] def tokenize(self, input_string): """Tokenizes input string into qgrams. Args: input_string (str): The string to be tokenized. Returns: A Python list, which is a set or a bag of qgrams, depending on whether return_set flag is True or False. Raises: TypeError : If the input is not a string Examples: >>> qg2_tok = QgramTokenizer() >>> qg2_tok.tokenize('database') ['#d', 'da', 'at', 'ta', 'ab', 'ba', 'as', 'se', 'e$'] >>> qg2_tok.tokenize('a') ['#a', 'a$'] >>> qg3_tok = QgramTokenizer(qval=3) >>> qg3_tok.tokenize('database') ['##d', '#da', 'dat', 'ata', 'tab', 'aba', 'bas', 'ase', 'se$', 'e$$'] >>> qg3_nopad = QgramTokenizer(padding=False) >>> qg3_nopad.tokenize('database') ['da', 'at', 'ta', 'ab', 'ba', 'as', 'se'] >>> qg3_diffpads = QgramTokenizer(prefix_pad='^', suffix_pad='!') >>> qg3_diffpads.tokenize('database') ['^d', 'da', 'at', 'ta', 'ab', 'ba', 'as', 'se', 'e!'] """ utils.tok_check_for_none(input_string) utils.tok_check_for_string_input(input_string) qgram_list = [] # If the padding flag is set to true, add q-1 "prefix_pad" characters # in front of the input string and add q-1 "suffix_pad" characters at # the end of the input string. if self.padding: input_string = (self.prefix_pad * (self.qval - 1)) + input_string \ + (self.suffix_pad * (self.qval - 1)) if len(input_string) < self.qval: return qgram_list qgram_list = [input_string[i:i + self.qval] for i in xrange(len(input_string) - (self.qval - 1))] qgram_list = list(filter(None, qgram_list)) if self.return_set: return utils.convert_bag_to_set(qgram_list) return qgram_list
[docs] def get_qval(self): """Gets the value of the qval attribute, which is the length of qgrams. Returns: The value of the qval attribute. """ return self.qval
[docs] def set_qval(self, qval): """Sets the value of the qval attribute. Args: qval (int): A value for q (the length of qgrams). Raises: AssertionError : If qval is less than 1. """ if qval < 1: raise AssertionError("qval cannot be less than 1") self.qval = qval return True
[docs] def get_padding(self): """ Gets the value of the padding flag. This flag determines whether the padding should be done for the input strings or not. Returns: The Boolean value of the padding flag. """ return self.padding
[docs] def set_padding(self, padding): """ Sets the value of the padding flag. Args: padding (boolean): Flag to indicate whether padding should be done or not. Returns: The Boolean value of True is returned if the update was successful. Raises: AssertionError: If the padding is not of type boolean """ if not type(padding) == type(True): raise AssertionError('padding is expected to be boolean type') self.padding = padding return True
[docs] def get_prefix_pad(self): """ Gets the value of the prefix pad. Returns: The prefix pad string. """ return self.prefix_pad
[docs] def set_prefix_pad(self, prefix_pad): """ Sets the value of the prefix pad string. Args: prefix_pad (str): String that should be prepended to the input string before tokenization. Returns: The Boolean value of True is returned if the update was successful. Raises: AssertionError: If the prefix_pad is not of type string. AssertionError: If the length of prefix_pad is not one. """ if not isinstance(prefix_pad, string_types): raise AssertionError('prefix_pad is expected to be of type string') if not len(prefix_pad) == 1: raise AssertionError("prefix_pad should have length equal to 1") self.prefix_pad = prefix_pad return True
[docs] def get_suffix_pad(self): """ Gets the value of the suffix pad. Returns: The suffix pad string. """ return self.suffix_pad
[docs] def set_suffix_pad(self, suffix_pad): """ Sets the value of the suffix pad string. Args: suffix_pad (str): String that should be appended to the input string before tokenization. Returns: The boolean value of True is returned if the update was successful. Raises: AssertionError: If the suffix_pad is not of type string. AssertionError: If the length of suffix_pad is not one. """ if not isinstance(suffix_pad, string_types): raise AssertionError('suffix_pad is expected to be of type string') if not len(suffix_pad) == 1: raise AssertionError("suffix_pad should have length equal to 1") self.suffix_pad = suffix_pad return True