Source code for py_stringmatching.tokenizer.alphabetic_tokenizer

import re

from py_stringmatching import utils
from py_stringmatching.tokenizer.definition_tokenizer import DefinitionTokenizer

[docs]class AlphabeticTokenizer(DefinitionTokenizer): """Returns tokens that are maximal sequences of consecutive alphabetical characters. Args: return_set (boolean): A flag to indicate whether to return a set of tokens instead of a bag of tokens (defaults to False). Attributes: return_set (boolean): An attribute that stores the value for the flag return_set. """ def __init__(self, return_set=False): self.__al_regex = re.compile('[a-zA-Z]+') super(AlphabeticTokenizer, self).__init__(return_set)
[docs] def tokenize(self, input_string): """Tokenizes input string into alphabetical tokens. Args: input_string (str): The string to be tokenized. Returns: A Python list, which represents a set of tokens if the flag return_set is True, and a bag of tokens otherwise. Raises: TypeError : If the input is not a string. Examples: >>> al_tok = AlphabeticTokenizer() >>> al_tok.tokenize('data99science, data#integration.') ['data', 'science', 'data', 'integration'] >>> al_tok.tokenize('99') [] >>> al_tok = AlphabeticTokenizer(return_set=True) >>> al_tok.tokenize('data99science, data#integration.') ['data', 'science', 'integration'] """ utils.tok_check_for_none(input_string) utils.tok_check_for_string_input(input_string) token_list = list(filter(None, self.__al_regex.findall(input_string))) if self.return_set: return utils.convert_bag_to_set(token_list) return token_list