Source code for py_stringmatching.similarity_measure.soft_tfidf

from __future__ import division
from math import sqrt
import collections

from py_stringmatching import utils
from py_stringmatching.similarity_measure.jaro import Jaro
from py_stringmatching.similarity_measure.hybrid_similarity_measure import \

[docs]class SoftTfIdf(HybridSimilarityMeasure): """Computes soft TF/IDF measure. Note: Currently, this measure is implemented without dampening. This is similar to setting dampen flag to be False in TF-IDF. We plan to add the dampen flag in the next release. Args: corpus_list (list of lists): Corpus list (default is set to None) of strings. If set to None, the input list are considered the only corpus. sim_func (function): Secondary similarity function. This should return a similarity score between two strings (optional), default is the Jaro similarity measure. threshold (float): Threshold value for the secondary similarity function (defaults to 0.5). If the similarity of a token pair exceeds the threshold, then the token pair is considered a match. Attributes: sim_func (function): An attribute to store the secondary similarity function. threshold (float): An attribute to store the threshold value for the secondary similarity function. """ def __init__(self, corpus_list=None, sim_func=Jaro().get_raw_score, threshold=0.5): self.__corpus_list = corpus_list self.__document_frequency = {} self.__compute_document_frequency() self.__corpus_size = 0 if self.__corpus_list is None else ( len(self.__corpus_list)) self.sim_func = sim_func self.threshold = threshold super(SoftTfIdf, self).__init__()
[docs] def get_raw_score(self, bag1, bag2): """Computes the raw soft TF/IDF score between two lists given the corpus information. Args: bag1,bag2 (list): Input lists Returns: Soft TF/IDF score between the input lists (float). Raises: TypeError : If the inputs are not lists or if one of the inputs is None. Examples: >>> soft_tfidf = SoftTfIdf([['a', 'b', 'a'], ['a', 'c'], ['a']], sim_func=Jaro().get_raw_score, threshold=0.8) >>> soft_tfidf.get_raw_score(['a', 'b', 'a'], ['a', 'c']) 0.17541160386140586 >>> soft_tfidf = SoftTfIdf([['a', 'b', 'a'], ['a', 'c'], ['a']], threshold=0.9) >>> soft_tfidf.get_raw_score(['a', 'b', 'a'], ['a']) 0.5547001962252291 >>> soft_tfidf = SoftTfIdf([['x', 'y'], ['w'], ['q']]) >>> soft_tfidf.get_raw_score(['a', 'b', 'a'], ['a']) 0.0 >>> soft_tfidf = SoftTfIdf(sim_func=Affine().get_raw_score, threshold=0.6) >>> soft_tfidf.get_raw_score(['aa', 'bb', 'a'], ['ab', 'ba']) 0.81649658092772592 References: * the string matching chapter of the "Principles of Data Integration" book. """ # input validations utils.sim_check_for_none(bag1, bag2) utils.sim_check_for_list_or_set_inputs(bag1, bag2) # if the strings match exactly return 1.0 if utils.sim_check_for_exact_match(bag1, bag2): return 1.0 # if one of the strings is empty return 0 if utils.sim_check_for_empty(bag1, bag2): return 0 # term frequency for input strings tf_x, tf_y = collections.Counter(bag1), collections.Counter(bag2) # find unique elements in the input lists and their document frequency local_df = {} for element in tf_x: local_df[element] = local_df.get(element, 0) + 1 for element in tf_y: local_df[element] = local_df.get(element, 0) + 1 # if corpus is not provided treat input string as corpus curr_df, corpus_size = (local_df, 2) if self.__corpus_list is None else ( (self.__document_frequency, self.__corpus_size)) # calculating the term sim score against the input string 2, # construct similarity map similarity_map = {} for term_x in tf_x: max_score = 0.0 for term_y in tf_y: score = self.sim_func(term_x, term_y) # adding sim only if it is above threshold and # highest for this element if score > self.threshold and score > max_score: similarity_map[term_x] = (term_x, term_y, score) max_score = score # position of first string, second string and sim score # in the tuple first_string_pos = 0 second_string_pos = 1 sim_score_pos = 2 result, v_x_2, v_y_2 = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 # soft-tfidf calculation for element in local_df.keys(): if curr_df.get(element) is None: continue # numerator if element in similarity_map: sim = similarity_map[element] idf_first = corpus_size / curr_df.get(sim[first_string_pos], 1) idf_second = corpus_size / curr_df.get(sim[second_string_pos], 1) v_x = idf_first * tf_x.get(sim[first_string_pos], 0) v_y = idf_second * tf_y.get(sim[second_string_pos], 0) result += v_x * v_y * sim[sim_score_pos] # denominator idf = corpus_size / curr_df[element] v_x = idf * tf_x.get(element, 0) v_x_2 += v_x * v_x v_y = idf * tf_y.get(element, 0) v_y_2 += v_y * v_y return result if v_x_2 == 0 else result / (sqrt(v_x_2) * sqrt(v_y_2))
[docs] def get_corpus_list(self): """Get corpus list. Returns: corpus list (list of lists). """ return self.__corpus_list
[docs] def get_sim_func(self): """Get secondary similarity function. Returns: secondary similarity function (function). """ return self.sim_func
[docs] def get_threshold(self): """Get threshold used for the secondary similarity function. Returns: threshold (float). """ return self.threshold
[docs] def set_threshold(self, threshold): """Set threshold value for the secondary similarity function. Args: threshold (float): threshold value. """ self.threshold = threshold return True
[docs] def set_sim_func(self, sim_func): """Set secondary similarity function. Args: sim_func (function): Secondary similarity function. """ self.sim_func = sim_func return True
[docs] def set_corpus_list(self, corpus_list): """Set corpus list. Args: corpus_list (list of lists): Corpus list. """ self.__corpus_list = corpus_list self.__document_frequency = {} self.__compute_document_frequency() self.__corpus_size = 0 if self.__corpus_list is None else ( len(self.__corpus_list)) return True
def __compute_document_frequency(self): if self.__corpus_list != None: for document in self.__corpus_list: for element in set(document): self.__document_frequency[element] = ( self.__document_frequency.get(element, 0) + 1)