============================== Evaluating the Matching Output ============================== Once you have predicted matches using ML-based matcher, then you would have to evaluate the matches. py_entitymatching supports `eval_matches` command for that purpose. An example of using `eval_matches` command is shown below: >>> H = em.extract_feat_vecs(G, feat_table=match_f, attrs_after='gold_labels') >>> dt = em.DTMatcher() >>> dt.fit(table=H, exclude_attrs=['_id', 'ltable_id', 'rtable_id', 'gold_labels'], target_attr='gold_labels') >>> pred_table = dt.predict(table=H, exclude_attrs=['_id', 'ltable_id', 'rtable_id', 'gold_labels'], append=True, target_attr='predicted_labels') >>> eval_summary = em.eval_matches(pred_table, 'gold_labels', 'predicted_labels') In the above, `eval_summary` is a dictionary containing accuracy numbers (such as precision, recall, F1, etc) and the list of false positives/negatives. Please refer to the API reference of :py:meth:`~py_entitymatching.eval_matches` for more details.