Source code for py_entitymatching.feature.extractfeatures

This module contains functions to extract features using a feature table.
import logging

import multiprocessing
import os

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import pyprind
import tempfile

import cloudpickle
from joblib import Parallel
from joblib import delayed

import py_entitymatching.catalog.catalog_manager as cm
import py_entitymatching.utils.catalog_helper as ch
import py_entitymatching.utils.generic_helper as gh
from import save_object, load_object
from py_entitymatching.utils.validation_helper import (

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class BaseFeatureExtractor(object):

class ParallelFeatureExtractor(BaseFeatureExtractor):
    def __init__(self, feature_table, n_jobs=1, verbose=False, show_progress=True):
        self.feature_table = feature_table
        self.n_jobs = n_jobs
        self.verbose = verbose
        self.show_progress = show_progress
    def extract_from(self, candset):
        # Get metadata for candidate set
        key, fk_ltable, fk_rtable, ltable, rtable, l_key, r_key = \
            cm.get_metadata_for_candset(candset, logger, self.verbose)
        # Set index for convenience
        l_df = ltable.set_index(l_key, drop=False)
        r_df = rtable.set_index(r_key, drop=False)
        # Apply feature functions
        ch.log_info(logger, 'Applying feature functions', self.verbose)
        col_names = list(candset.columns)
        fk_ltable_idx = col_names.index(fk_ltable)
        fk_rtable_idx = col_names.index(fk_rtable)

        n_procs = get_num_procs(self.n_jobs, len(candset))

        c_splits = np.array_split(candset, n_procs)

        pickled_obj = cloudpickle.dumps(self.feature_table)

        feat_vals_by_splits = Parallel(n_jobs=n_procs)(
                self.show_progress and i == len(c_splits) - 1
            for i, c_split in enumerate(c_splits)

        feat_vals = sum(feat_vals_by_splits, [])
        return feat_vals

class DistinctFeatureExtractor(BaseFeatureExtractor):
    def __init__(self):
    def extract_from(self):

[docs]def extract_feature_vecs(candset, attrs_before=None, feature_table=None, attrs_after=None, verbose=False, show_progress=True, n_jobs=1, FeatureExtractor=ParallelFeatureExtractor): """ This function extracts feature vectors from a DataFrame (typically a labeled candidate set). Specifically, this function uses feature table, ltable and rtable (that is present in the `candset`'s metadata) to extract feature vectors. Args: candset (DataFrame): The input candidate set for which the features vectors should be extracted. attrs_before (list): The list of attributes from the input candset, that should be added before the feature vectors (defaults to None). feature_table (DataFrame): A DataFrame containing a list of features that should be used to compute the feature vectors ( defaults to None). attrs_after (list): The list of attributes from the input candset that should be added after the feature vectors (defaults to None). verbose (boolean): A flag to indicate whether the debug information should be displayed (defaults to False). show_progress (boolean): A flag to indicate whether the progress of extracting feature vectors must be displayed (defaults to True). Returns: A pandas DataFrame containing feature vectors. The DataFrame will have metadata ltable and rtable, pointing to the same ltable and rtable as the input candset. Also, the output DataFrame will have three columns: key, foreign key ltable, foreign key rtable copied from input candset to the output DataFrame. These three columns precede the columns mentioned in `attrs_before`. Raises: AssertionError: If `candset` is not of type pandas DataFrame. AssertionError: If `attrs_before` has attributes that are not present in the input candset. AssertionError: If `attrs_after` has attribtues that are not present in the input candset. AssertionError: If `feature_table` is set to None. Examples: >>> import py_entitymatching as em >>> A = em.read_csv_metadata('path_to_csv_dir/table_A.csv', key='ID') >>> B = em.read_csv_metadata('path_to_csv_dir/table_B.csv', key='ID') >>> match_f = em.get_features_for_matching(A, B) >>> # G is the labeled dataframe which should be converted into feature vectors >>> H = em.extract_feature_vecs(G, features=match_f, attrs_before=['title'], attrs_after=['gold_labels']) """ # (Matt) Stage 1: Input validation # Validate input parameters # # We expect the input candset to be of type pandas DataFrame. validate_object_type(candset, pd.DataFrame, error_prefix='Input cand.set') # # We expect the FeatureExtractor class to be of type BaseFeatureExtractor validate_subclass(FeatureExtractor, BaseFeatureExtractor, error_prefix='Input FeatureExtractor') # (Matt) The two blocks below are making sure that attributes that are to be appended # to this function's output do in fact exist in the input DataFrame # # If the attrs_before is given, Check if the attrs_before are present in # the input candset if attrs_before != None: if not ch.check_attrs_present(candset, attrs_before): logger.error( 'The attributes mentioned in attrs_before is not present ' 'in the input table') raise AssertionError( 'The attributes mentioned in attrs_before is not present ' 'in the input table') # # If the attrs_after is given, Check if the attrs_after are present in # the input candset if attrs_after != None: if not ch.check_attrs_present(candset, attrs_after): logger.error( 'The attributes mentioned in attrs_after is not present ' 'in the input table') raise AssertionError( 'The attributes mentioned in attrs_after is not present ' 'in the input table') # (Matt) Why not make sure that this is a DataFrame instead of just nonempty? # We expect the feature table to be a valid object if feature_table is None: logger.error('Feature table cannot be null') raise AssertionError('The feature table cannot be null') # Do metadata checking # # Mention what metadata is required to the user ch.log_info(logger, 'Required metadata: cand.set key, fk ltable, ' 'fk rtable, ' 'ltable, rtable, ltable key, rtable key', verbose) # (Matt) ch ~ catalog helper # # Get metadata ch.log_info(logger, 'Getting metadata from catalog', verbose) # (Matt) cm ~ catalog manager key, fk_ltable, fk_rtable, ltable, rtable, l_key, r_key = \ cm.get_metadata_for_candset( candset, logger, verbose) # # Validate metadata ch.log_info(logger, 'Validating metadata', verbose) cm._validate_metadata_for_candset(candset, key, fk_ltable, fk_rtable, ltable, rtable, l_key, r_key, logger, verbose) # Extract features # id_list = [(row[fk_ltable], row[fk_rtable]) for i, row in # candset.iterrows()] # id_list = [tuple(tup) for tup in candset[[fk_ltable, fk_rtable]].values] # (Matt) ParallelFeatureExtractor implementation starts here # # Apply feature functions feature_extractor = FeatureExtractor( feature_table, n_jobs=n_jobs, verbose=verbose, show_progress=show_progress ) feat_vals = feature_extractor.extract_from(candset) # (Matt) ParallelFeatureExtractor implementation ends here; the rest is formatting # Construct output table feature_vectors = pd.DataFrame(feat_vals, index=candset.index.values) # # Rearrange the feature names in the input feature table order feature_names = list(feature_table['feature_name']) feature_vectors = feature_vectors[feature_names] ch.log_info(logger, 'Constructing output table', verbose) # print(feature_vectors) # # Insert attrs_before if attrs_before: if not isinstance(attrs_before, list): attrs_before = [attrs_before] attrs_before = gh.list_diff(attrs_before, [key, fk_ltable, fk_rtable]) attrs_before.reverse() for a in attrs_before: feature_vectors.insert(0, a, candset[a]) # # Insert keys feature_vectors.insert(0, fk_rtable, candset[fk_rtable]) feature_vectors.insert(0, fk_ltable, candset[fk_ltable]) feature_vectors.insert(0, key, candset[key]) # # insert attrs after if attrs_after: if not isinstance(attrs_after, list): attrs_after = [attrs_after] attrs_after = gh.list_diff(attrs_after, [key, fk_ltable, fk_rtable]) attrs_after.reverse() col_pos = len(feature_vectors.columns) for a in attrs_after: feature_vectors.insert(col_pos, a, candset[a]) col_pos += 1 # Reset the index # feature_vectors.reset_index(inplace=True, drop=True) # # Update the catalog cm.init_properties(feature_vectors) cm.copy_properties(candset, feature_vectors) # Finally, return the feature vectors return feature_vectors
def get_feature_vals_by_cand_split(pickled_obj, fk_ltable_idx, fk_rtable_idx, l_df, r_df, candsplit, show_progress): feature_table = cloudpickle.loads(pickled_obj) if show_progress: prog_bar = pyprind.ProgBar(len(candsplit)) l_dict = {} r_dict = {} feat_vals = [] for row in candsplit.itertuples(index=False): if show_progress: prog_bar.update() fk_ltable_val = row[fk_ltable_idx] fk_rtable_val = row[fk_rtable_idx] if fk_ltable_val not in l_dict: l_dict[fk_ltable_val] = l_df.loc[fk_ltable_val] l_tuple = l_dict[fk_ltable_val] if fk_rtable_val not in r_dict: r_dict[fk_rtable_val] = r_df.loc[fk_rtable_val] r_tuple = r_dict[fk_rtable_val] f = apply_feat_fns(l_tuple, r_tuple, feature_table) feat_vals.append(f) return feat_vals def apply_feat_fns(tuple1, tuple2, feat_dict): """ Apply feature functions to two tuples. """ # Get the feature names feat_names = list(feat_dict['feature_name']) # Get the feature functions feat_funcs = list(feat_dict['function']) # Compute the feature value by applying the feature function to the input # tuples. feat_vals = [f(tuple1, tuple2) for f in feat_funcs] # Return a dictionary where the keys are the feature names and the values # are the feature values. return dict(zip(feat_names, feat_vals)) def get_num_procs(n_jobs, min_procs): # determine number of processes to launch parallely n_cpus = multiprocessing.cpu_count() n_procs = n_jobs if n_jobs < 0: n_procs = n_cpus + 1 + n_jobs # cannot launch less than min_procs to safeguard against small tables return min(n_procs, min_procs)