Source code for py_entitymatching.blocker.attr_equiv_blocker

import logging

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import pyprind
import six
from joblib import Parallel, delayed

import py_entitymatching.catalog.catalog_manager as cm
from py_entitymatching.blocker.blocker import Blocker
from py_entitymatching.utils.catalog_helper import log_info, get_name_for_key, add_key_column
from py_entitymatching.utils.generic_helper import rem_nan
from py_entitymatching.utils.validation_helper import validate_object_type

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class AttrEquivalenceBlocker(Blocker): """ Blocks based on the equivalence of attribute values. """
[docs] def block_tables(self, ltable, rtable, l_block_attr, r_block_attr, l_output_attrs=None, r_output_attrs=None, l_output_prefix='ltable_', r_output_prefix='rtable_', allow_missing=False, verbose=False, n_jobs=1): """Blocks two tables based on attribute equivalence. Conceptually, this will check `l_block_attr=r_block_attr` for each tuple pair from the Cartesian product of tables `ltable` and `rtable`. It outputs a Pandas dataframe object with tuple pairs that satisfy the equality condition. The dataframe will include attributes '_id', key attribute from ltable, key attributes from rtable, followed by lists `l_output_attrs` and `r_output_attrs` if they are specified. Each of these output and key attributes will be prefixed with given `l_output_prefix` and `r_output_prefix`. If `allow_missing` is set to `True` then all tuple pairs with missing value in at least one of the tuples will be included in the output dataframe. Further, this will update the following metadata in the catalog for the output table: (1) key, (2) ltable, (3) rtable, (4) fk_ltable, and (5) fk_rtable. Args: ltable (DataFrame): The left input table. rtable (DataFrame): The right input table. l_block_attr (string): The blocking attribute in left table. r_block_attr (string): The blocking attribute in right table. l_output_attrs (list): A list of attribute names from the left table to be included in the output candidate set (defaults to None). r_output_attrs (list): A list of attribute names from the right table to be included in the output candidate set (defaults to None). l_output_prefix (string): The prefix to be used for the attribute names coming from the left table in the output candidate set (defaults to 'ltable\_'). r_output_prefix (string): The prefix to be used for the attribute names coming from the right table in the output candidate set (defaults to 'rtable\_'). allow_missing (boolean): A flag to indicate whether tuple pairs with missing value in at least one of the blocking attributes should be included in the output candidate set (defaults to False). If this flag is set to True, a tuple in ltable with missing value in the blocking attribute will be matched with every tuple in rtable and vice versa. verbose (boolean): A flag to indicate whether the debug information should be logged (defaults to False). n_jobs (int): The number of parallel jobs to be used for computation (defaults to 1). If -1 all CPUs are used. If 0 or 1, no parallel computation is used at all, which is useful for debugging. For n_jobs below -1, (n_cpus + 1 + n_jobs) are used (where n_cpus is the total number of CPUs in the machine). Thus, for n_jobs = -2, all CPUs but one are used. If (n_cpus + 1 + n_jobs) is less than 1, then no parallel computation is used (i.e., equivalent to the default). Returns: A candidate set of tuple pairs that survived blocking (DataFrame). Raises: AssertionError: If `ltable` is not of type pandas DataFrame. AssertionError: If `rtable` is not of type pandas DataFrame. AssertionError: If `l_block_attr` is not of type string. AssertionError: If `r_block_attr` is not of type string. AssertionError: If `l_output_attrs` is not of type of list. AssertionError: If `r_output_attrs` is not of type of list. AssertionError: If the values in `l_output_attrs` is not of type string. AssertionError: If the values in `r_output_attrs` is not of type string. AssertionError: If `l_output_prefix` is not of type string. AssertionError: If `r_output_prefix` is not of type string. AssertionError: If `verbose` is not of type boolean. AssertionError: If `allow_missing` is not of type boolean. AssertionError: If `n_jobs` is not of type int. AssertionError: If `l_block_attr` is not in the ltable columns. AssertionError: If `r_block_attr` is not in the rtable columns. AssertionError: If `l_out_attrs` are not in the ltable. AssertionError: If `r_out_attrs` are not in the rtable. Examples: >>> import py_entitymatching as em >>> A = em.read_csv_metadata('path_to_csv_dir/table_A.csv', key='ID') >>> B = em.read_csv_metadata('path_to_csv_dir/table_B.csv', key='ID') >>> ab = em.AttrEquivalenceBlocker() >>> C1 = ab.block_tables(A, B, 'zipcode', 'zipcode', l_output_attrs=['name'], r_output_attrs=['name']) # Include all possible tuple pairs with missing values >>> C2 = ab.block_tables(A, B, 'zipcode', 'zipcode', l_output_attrs=['name'], r_output_attrs=['name'], allow_missing=True) """ # validate data types of input parameters self.validate_types_params_tables(ltable, rtable, l_output_attrs, r_output_attrs, l_output_prefix, r_output_prefix, verbose, n_jobs) # validate data types of input blocking attributes self.validate_types_block_attrs(l_block_attr, r_block_attr) # validate data type of allow_missing self.validate_allow_missing(allow_missing) # validate input parameters self.validate_block_attrs(ltable, rtable, l_block_attr, r_block_attr) self.validate_output_attrs(ltable, rtable, l_output_attrs, r_output_attrs) # get and validate required metadata log_info(logger, 'Required metadata: ltable key, rtable key', verbose) # # get metadata l_key, r_key = cm.get_keys_for_ltable_rtable(ltable, rtable, logger, verbose) # # validate metadata cm._validate_metadata_for_table(ltable, l_key, 'ltable', logger, verbose) cm._validate_metadata_for_table(rtable, r_key, 'rtable', logger, verbose) # do blocking # # do projection of required attributes from the tables l_proj_attrs = self.get_attrs_to_project(l_key, l_block_attr, l_output_attrs) ltable_proj = ltable[l_proj_attrs] r_proj_attrs = self.get_attrs_to_project(r_key, r_block_attr, r_output_attrs) rtable_proj = rtable[r_proj_attrs] # # remove records with nans in the blocking attribute l_df = rem_nan(ltable_proj, l_block_attr) r_df = rem_nan(rtable_proj, r_block_attr) # # determine number of processes to launch parallely n_procs = self.get_num_procs(n_jobs, len(l_df) * len(r_df)) if n_procs <= 1: # single process candset = _block_tables_split(l_df, r_df, l_key, r_key, l_block_attr, r_block_attr, l_output_attrs, r_output_attrs, l_output_prefix, r_output_prefix, allow_missing) else: # multiprocessing m, n = self.get_split_params(n_procs, len(l_df), len(r_df)) l_splits = np.array_split(l_df, m) r_splits = np.array_split(r_df, n) c_splits = Parallel(n_jobs=m * n)( delayed(_block_tables_split)(l, r, l_key, r_key, l_block_attr, r_block_attr, l_output_attrs, r_output_attrs, l_output_prefix, r_output_prefix, allow_missing) for l in l_splits for r in r_splits) candset = pd.concat(c_splits, ignore_index=True) # if allow_missing flag is True, then compute # all pairs with missing value in left table, and # all pairs with missing value in right table if allow_missing: missing_pairs = self.get_pairs_with_missing_value(ltable_proj, rtable_proj, l_key, r_key, l_block_attr, r_block_attr, l_output_attrs, r_output_attrs, l_output_prefix, r_output_prefix) candset = pd.concat([candset, missing_pairs], ignore_index=True) # update catalog key = get_name_for_key(candset.columns) candset = add_key_column(candset, key) cm.set_candset_properties(candset, key, l_output_prefix + l_key, r_output_prefix + r_key, ltable, rtable) # return candidate set return candset
[docs] def block_candset(self, candset, l_block_attr, r_block_attr, allow_missing=False, verbose=False, show_progress=True, n_jobs=1): """Blocks an input candidate set of tuple pairs based on attribute equivalence. Finds tuple pairs from an input candidate set of tuple pairs such that the value of attribute l_block_attr of the left tuple in a tuple pair exactly matches the value of attribute r_block_attr of the right tuple in the tuple pair. Args: candset (DataFrame): The input candidate set of tuple pairs. l_block_attr (string): The blocking attribute in left table. r_block_attr (string): The blocking attribute in right table. allow_missing (boolean): A flag to indicate whether tuple pairs with missing value in at least one of the blocking attributes should be included in the output candidate set (defaults to False). If this flag is set to True, a tuple pair with missing value in either blocking attribute will be retained in the output candidate set. verbose (boolean): A flag to indicate whether the debug information should be logged (defaults to False). show_progress (boolean): A flag to indicate whether progress should be displayed to the user (defaults to True). n_jobs (int): The number of parallel jobs to be used for computation (defaults to 1). If -1 all CPUs are used. If 0 or 1, no parallel computation is used at all, which is useful for debugging. For n_jobs below -1, (n_cpus + 1 + n_jobs) are used (where n_cpus is the total number of CPUs in the machine). Thus, for n_jobs = -2, all CPUs but one are used. If (n_cpus + 1 + n_jobs) is less than 1, then no parallel computation is used (i.e., equivalent to the default). Returns: A candidate set of tuple pairs that survived blocking (DataFrame). Raises: AssertionError: If `candset` is not of type pandas DataFrame. AssertionError: If `l_block_attr` is not of type string. AssertionError: If `r_block_attr` is not of type string. AssertionError: If `verbose` is not of type boolean. AssertionError: If `n_jobs` is not of type int. AssertionError: If `l_block_attr` is not in the ltable columns. AssertionError: If `r_block_attr` is not in the rtable columns. Examples: >>> import py_entitymatching as em >>> A = em.read_csv_metadata('path_to_csv_dir/table_A.csv', key='ID') >>> B = em.read_csv_metadata('path_to_csv_dir/table_B.csv', key='ID') >>> ab = em.AttrEquivalenceBlocker() >>> C = ab.block_tables(A, B, 'zipcode', 'zipcode', l_output_attrs=['name'], r_output_attrs=['name']) >>> D1 = ab.block_candset(C, 'age', 'age', allow_missing=True) # Include all possible tuple pairs with missing values >>> D2 = ab.block_candset(C, 'age', 'age', allow_missing=True) # Execute blocking using multiple cores >>> D3 = ab.block_candset(C, 'age', 'age', n_jobs=-1) """ # validate data types of input parameters self.validate_types_params_candset(candset, verbose, show_progress, n_jobs) # validate data types of input blocking attributes self.validate_types_block_attrs(l_block_attr, r_block_attr) # get and validate metadata log_info(logger, 'Required metadata: cand.set key, fk ltable, ' 'fk rtable, ltable, rtable, ltable key, rtable key', verbose) # # get metadata key, fk_ltable, fk_rtable, ltable, rtable, l_key, r_key = cm.get_metadata_for_candset( candset, logger, verbose) # # validate metadata cm._validate_metadata_for_candset(candset, key, fk_ltable, fk_rtable, ltable, rtable, l_key, r_key, logger, verbose) # validate input parameters self.validate_block_attrs(ltable, rtable, l_block_attr, r_block_attr) # do blocking # # do projection before merge l_df = ltable[[l_key, l_block_attr]] r_df = rtable[[r_key, r_block_attr]] # # set index for convenience l_df = l_df.set_index(l_key, drop=False) r_df = r_df.set_index(r_key, drop=False) # # determine number of processes to launch parallely n_procs = self.get_num_procs(n_jobs, len(candset)) valid = [] if n_procs <= 1: # single process valid = _block_candset_split(candset, l_df, r_df, l_key, r_key, l_block_attr, r_block_attr, fk_ltable, fk_rtable, allow_missing, show_progress) else: c_splits = np.array_split(candset, n_procs) valid_splits = Parallel(n_jobs=n_procs)( delayed(_block_candset_split)(c_splits[i], l_df, r_df, l_key, r_key, l_block_attr, r_block_attr, fk_ltable, fk_rtable, allow_missing, show_progress and i == len( c_splits) - 1) for i in range(len(c_splits))) valid = sum(valid_splits, []) # construct output table if len(candset) > 0: out_table = candset[valid] else: out_table = pd.DataFrame(columns=candset.columns) # update the catalog cm.set_candset_properties(out_table, key, fk_ltable, fk_rtable, ltable, rtable) # return the output table return out_table
[docs] def block_tuples(self, ltuple, rtuple, l_block_attr, r_block_attr, allow_missing=False): """Blocks a tuple pair based on attribute equivalence. Args: ltuple (Series): The input left tuple. rtuple (Series): The input right tuple. l_block_attr (string): The blocking attribute in left tuple. r_block_attr (string): The blocking attribute in right tuple. allow_missing (boolean): A flag to indicate whether a tuple pair with missing value in at least one of the blocking attributes should be blocked (defaults to False). If this flag is set to True, the pair will be kept if either ltuple has missing value in l_block_attr or rtuple has missing value in r_block_attr or both. Returns: A status indicating if the tuple pair is blocked, i.e., the values of l_block_attr in ltuple and r_block_attr in rtuple are different (boolean). Examples: >>> import py_entitymatching as em >>> A = em.read_csv_metadata('path_to_csv_dir/table_A.csv', key='ID') >>> B = em.read_csv_metadata('path_to_csv_dir/table_B.csv', key='ID') >>> ab = em.AttrEquivalenceBlocker() >>> status = ab.block_tuples(A.loc[0], B.loc[0], 'zipcode', 'zipcode') """ l_val, r_val = ltuple[l_block_attr], rtuple[r_block_attr] if allow_missing: if pd.isnull(l_val) or pd.isnull(r_val) or l_val == r_val: return False else: return True else: if pd.notnull(l_val) and pd.notnull(r_val) and l_val == r_val: return False else: return True
# ------------------------------------------------------------ # utility functions specific to attribute equivalence blocking # validate the data types of the blocking attributes def validate_types_block_attrs(self, l_block_attr, r_block_attr): validate_object_type(l_block_attr, six.string_types, error_prefix='Blocking attribute name of left table') validate_object_type(r_block_attr, six.string_types, error_prefix='Blocking attribute name of right table') # validate the blocking attributes def validate_block_attrs(self, ltable, rtable, l_block_attr, r_block_attr): if l_block_attr not in ltable.columns: raise AssertionError( 'Left block attribute is not in the left table') if r_block_attr not in rtable.columns: raise AssertionError( 'Right block attribute is not in the right table') def get_pairs_with_missing_value(self, l_df, r_df, l_key, r_key, l_block_attr, r_block_attr, l_output_attrs, r_output_attrs, l_output_prefix, r_output_prefix): l_df.is_copy, r_df.is_copy = False, False # to avoid setwithcopy warning l_df['ones'] = np.ones(len(l_df)) r_df['ones'] = np.ones(len(r_df)) # find ltable records with missing value in l_block_attr l_df_missing = l_df[pd.isnull(l_df[l_block_attr])] # find ltable records with no missing value in l_block_attr l_df_no_missing = l_df[pd.notnull(l_df[l_block_attr])] # find rtable records with missing value in r_block_attr r_df_missing = r_df[pd.isnull(r_df[r_block_attr])] missing_pairs_1 = pd.merge(l_df_missing, r_df, left_on='ones', right_on='ones', suffixes=('_ltable', '_rtable')) missing_pairs_2 = pd.merge(l_df_no_missing, r_df_missing, left_on='ones', right_on='ones', suffixes=('_ltable', '_rtable')) missing_pairs = pd.concat([missing_pairs_1, missing_pairs_2], ignore_index=True) retain_cols, final_cols = _output_columns(l_key, r_key, list(missing_pairs.columns), l_output_attrs, r_output_attrs, l_output_prefix, r_output_prefix) missing_pairs = missing_pairs[retain_cols] missing_pairs.columns = final_cols return missing_pairs
def _block_tables_split(l_df, r_df, l_key, r_key, l_block_attr, r_block_attr, l_output_attrs, r_output_attrs, l_output_prefix, r_output_prefix, allow_missing): # perform an inner join of the two data frames with no missing values candset = pd.merge(l_df, r_df, left_on=l_block_attr, right_on=r_block_attr, suffixes=('_ltable', '_rtable')) retain_cols, final_cols = _output_columns(l_key, r_key, list(candset.columns), l_output_attrs, r_output_attrs, l_output_prefix, r_output_prefix) candset = candset[retain_cols] candset.columns = final_cols return candset def _block_candset_split(c_df, l_df, r_df, l_key, r_key, l_block_attr, r_block_attr, fk_ltable, fk_rtable, allow_missing, show_progress): # initialize progress bar if show_progress: prog_bar = pyprind.ProgBar(len(c_df)) # initialize list to keep track of valid ids valid = [] # get the indexes for the key attributes in the candset col_names = list(c_df.columns) lkey_idx = col_names.index(fk_ltable) rkey_idx = col_names.index(fk_rtable) # create a look up table for the blocking attribute values l_dict = {} r_dict = {} # iterate the rows in candset for row in c_df.itertuples(index=False): # # update the progress bar if show_progress: prog_bar.update() # # get the value of block attributes row_lkey = row[lkey_idx] if row_lkey not in l_dict: l_dict[row_lkey] = l_df.loc[row_lkey, l_block_attr] l_val = l_dict[row_lkey] row_rkey = row[rkey_idx] if row_rkey not in r_dict: r_dict[row_rkey] = r_df.loc[row_rkey, r_block_attr] r_val = r_dict[row_rkey] if allow_missing: if pd.isnull(l_val) or pd.isnull(r_val) or l_val == r_val: valid.append(True) else: valid.append(False) else: if pd.notnull(l_val) and pd.notnull(r_val) and l_val == r_val: valid.append(True) else: valid.append(False) return valid def _output_columns(l_key, r_key, col_names, l_output_attrs, r_output_attrs, l_output_prefix, r_output_prefix): # retain id columns from merge ret_cols = [_retain_names(l_key, col_names, '_ltable')] ret_cols.append(_retain_names(r_key, col_names, '_rtable')) # final columns in the output fin_cols = [_final_names(l_key, l_output_prefix)] fin_cols.append(_final_names(r_key, r_output_prefix)) # retain output attrs from merge if l_output_attrs: for at in l_output_attrs: if at != l_key: ret_cols.append(_retain_names(at, col_names, '_ltable')) fin_cols.append(_final_names(at, l_output_prefix)) if r_output_attrs: for at in r_output_attrs: if at != r_key: ret_cols.append(_retain_names(at, col_names, '_rtable')) fin_cols.append(_final_names(at, r_output_prefix)) return ret_cols, fin_cols def _retain_names(x, col_names, suffix): if x in col_names: return x else: return str(x) + suffix def _final_names(col, prefix): return prefix + str(col)